Category Archives: Quiz

All-Star Break Diversion

To tide us over for the next couple of days, here’s a quick quiz. Not very hard, but some of the names may surprise you. So, what accomplishment can be claimed only by these players?

Name That Stat: Sluggers (Solved)

This is a different take on a quiz, with an added variable of ranking. I’ll give you the ranked list, and you get to figure out the statistic that produces that list. In other words, just like a regular quiz, but with the added criterion of ranking.

So, here’s the list, showing the top 10 sluggers in a particular statistic. What is it? .

Hint #1: the stat involves traditional metrics for sluggers
Hint #2: the rankings could provide a clue as to the type of stat to look for.

Congratulations to Howard! He knew that these ten sluggers have the most consecutive seasons with 30 HR and 100 RBI. More after the jump.

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Big Cat Trivia

While researching my latest post, I came across a name that loomed large in my childhood, about whom I haven’t thought in a long time. Andres Galarraga is probably, at this point, the second-most-famous “A. Galarraga” in your baseball encyclopedia/brain. But while Armando may be more famous today, the Big Cat belongs to a couple specific groups. I’m hoping you can figure out what they are in these trivia questions.

Note: I’ve never done one of these trivia things before, as you know, so they’re not going to be as hard or clever as Doug’s… or maybe they’ll be too hard. I genuinely don’t know, but I hope it’s fun either way.

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