Regular HHS contributor “no statistician but” (or nsb) continues his series examining where the Hall of Fame cutoff line really lies with his look at marginal HoF inductees. If you missed his Part 1 introduction, you can read it here. In Part 2, nsb looks at the positions of catcher and first basemen. More after the jump.
Category Archives: ***Circle of Greats***
Not Just Friends of Frisch – Part 1
Regular HHS contributor no statistician but (or nsb) has authored this series of posts on the Hall of Fame, and the perennial questions of which players are there who shouldn’t be, and which aren’t but should. Unlike some debates on this topic, though, nsb applies a metrics-based approach to this task, and invites you to do the same in contributing to the discussion. So, without further ado, here is nsb. Continue reading
Circle of Greats 1974 Balloting Part 4
This post is for voting and discussion in the 132nd round of balloting for the Circle of Greats (COG). This is the last of four rounds of balloting adding to the list of candidates eligible to receive your votes those players born in 1974. Rules and lists are after the jump.
Circle of Greats 1974 Part 3 Runoff – Allen/Brown/Lyons/Ramirez
We need a quick runoff vote to resolve the tie at the top in the 1974 part 3 voting. Voting closes next Wednesday night, so vote early. More after the jump.
Continue readingCircle of Greats 1974 Balloting Part 3
This post is for voting and discussion in the 131st round of balloting for the Circle of Greats (COG). This is the third of four rounds of balloting adding to the list of candidates eligible to receive your votes those players born in 1974. Rules and lists are after the jump.
Circle of Greats 2019 Redemption Round
This Circle of Greats (COG) vote is not to induct anyone into the Circle. Instead, this round of voting will select three or more players who will be restored to the secondary ballot after having been previously dropped from eligibility.
Continue readingCircle of Greats 1974 Balloting Part 2
This post is for voting and discussion in the 130th round of balloting for the Circle of Greats (COG). This is the second of four rounds of balloting adding to the list of candidates eligible to receive your votes those players born in 1974. Rules and lists are after the jump.
Circle of Greats 1974 Balloting Part 1
This post is for voting and discussion in the 129th round of balloting for the Circle of Greats (COG). This is the first of four rounds of balloting adding to the list of candidates eligible to receive your votes those players born in 1974. Rules and lists are after the jump.