Quiz – What links *these* five? (Solved)

OK, I’m a little late with the Olympic imagery. Anyway … What feat has been achieved by only these five pitchers? No one in this century has even had an opportunity to do it.

Congratulations to Richard Chester! These five are the only pitchers with two World Series shutouts against the same team in different seasons. No one’s had a chance to do it this century because no pitcher has faced the same team in more than one Series; last year saw the first rematch of the century, but no pitcher from 2004 was on the same side in 2013. And of course, there hasn’t been an individual WS shutout since Josh Beckett’s 2003 clincher.

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Richard Chester
Richard Chester
11 years ago

Does it have something to do with pitching multiple WS shutouts?

Richard Chester
Richard Chester
11 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

Those five pitched shutouts against the same team in two separate WS.

no statistician but
no statistician but
11 years ago

By George, I think I’m having a Henry Higgins moment:

Shutouts for the same team against the same opponent in different World Series.

Luis Gomez
Luis Gomez
11 years ago

I find really amazing that it´s been that long since the last World Series Shutout. Can somebody guess who was the last before Becket? (no looking)

11 years ago

Without looking I would have to go with – Bob Gibson?

11 years ago

Well, the great Morris-Smoltz standoff was since Gibson, but wow, maybe one of those 90’s Yankees (Clemens)?

Luis Gomez
Luis Gomez
11 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Not Clemens. Not the 90´s. Yes the Yankees (sort of).

Luis Gomez
Luis Gomez
11 years ago
Reply to  Mark
11 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

Cmon now. Holland looked tired during that walk and was pretty happy to leave the mound 😉

11 years ago

Hallahan, Mathewson and Nehf each did it while their team won one series and lost the other.

11 years ago

Despite the fact he was 3-3 versus NYY in 7 WS starts, I believe Nehf was nicknamed “The Yankee Killer”. Iinitially saw this referenced by Tom Harmon (HB , fighterpilot, broadcaster, actor’s father) ina sports quiz book from the 1960s…..not to be confused with that other baseball serial killer, HARRY Coveleski, nicknamed “The Giant Killer” for several late season shutouts while twirling for the Phillies 100+ years ago