R.A. Dickey has back-to-back 1-hitters

Asked right after the Tampa game how it felt to lose his Mets-record scoreless string on an unearned run in the 9th, the ever-placid Dickey said only, “It’s a good time to start another one.”

And how.

On the heels of his dazz-baffling 1-hit, 12-K, 0-walk, ER-shutout of the Rays, R.A. Dickey got a clean 1-hit shutout of the Orioles Monday night, with 13 strikeouts to match the Mets’ high of the last 5 years. The only blots were a line single by Wilson Betemit on a straight-ish knuckler with 2 out in the 5th, snapping a 12-IP hitless skein, and full-count walks to Betemit in the 8th and to pitcher Jake Arrieta in the 3rd, that one snapping the perfect game.

Perfect game? You think such thoughts with Dickey on the hill these days.

The tricksy pitch that was a wonder from the opening toss in Tampa got better as this game moved briskly on. Few balls were hit hard: Betemit’s single was the first ball to reach the outfield. David Wright, the maybe-culprit in the last one-hitter, snared a liner in the 6th, reaching to his right but not diving, then made a smooth swiping pickup of an in-between bounder (and then a steady throw) for the next out. That was about it.

The corner pasturemen got the night off. There were two lazy flies to CF; everything else was on the infield, mostly in Josh Thole‘s glove — or that of Ike Davis, when Thole had to track down strike 3 and complete the out. The shimmy-shake reached a sublimely ridiculous apex in the 8th, when a pitch to poor Nick Johnson — getting his first glimpse — took an abrupt left turn away from his bat in mid-swing. The next offering was fouled off his shin, leaving Johnson (as usual) hobbling. The next was called strike 3, strikeout number 11.

The O’s didn’t like some of the calls, and maybe they were right sometimes. Maybe the last pitch to J.J. Hardy in the 9th should have been ball four instead of strikeout number 12. But with a lineup that leads the majors in Ks, it was just a matter of time.

And to make sure it didn’t all go to waste, Ike Davis launched his first-ever grand slam with 2 gone in the 6th for the game’s first runs. It felt like ten runs. That rally, too, began with Dickey’s leadoff single. It all comes back to Dickey now.

You can’t help but think of Vander Meer and the record you’ve heard all your life would never be matched. You can’t help but think, how close it was. One split-second judgment and a skip off the infield skin, and one butterfly that missed the breeze: that’s all that came between Robert Alan Dickey and immortality.

We’ll save the rest of the “first since…” and “only guy ever to…” for another time. The performance, like the pitch and pitcher that produced it, is unquantifiable.


The Mets are having just about as interesting of a season as you can have without making the playoffs.

David Wright batting .400 through game 45. Ike Davis forgetting how to hit a pitched ball. The unexpected everyday presence of The Nieuw Kid. Back from dicey surgery, Johan slaking a half-century’s no-hit thirst. Frank Francisco, on the brink of rejection like a transplanted organ, delivering a post-game rant somehow redolent of Pedro’s “sitting under a mango tree without 50 cents to pay for the bus” monologue, then making an abrupt U-turn towards dominance. Shortstops and left fielders dropping like Spinal Tap drummers.

And now, for the first time in 27 years, a Mets pitcher has found a groove that makes him seem a no-hit threat every time out.

It can’t go on forever. Even as we dream that Dickey’s invention, the hard knuckler, is the new Perfect Pitch, we know in our hardened hearts that every action in this grand old game has an equal and opposite reaction. There’ll be another rainy night in Georgia when the floater flops. The spell will be broken, and Dickey will go back to the solid pitcher he was before the pixie dust fell.

Enjoy it while you can, baseball fans.

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Mike L
Mike L
12 years ago

Drink it in, John A. In sports, as in life, there are very few moments of perfect contentment.

12 years ago
Reply to  Mike L

Well said, Mike, and yes, savor it in good health John! Plus, there’s an added bonus for Mets and other baseball fans: continuing to steal headlines from the other NY team and their rumored winning streak.

Jason Z
12 years ago

Maybe it can’t go on forever. But with the injury to Roy Halladay,
and the Zitoesque all at once decline of Tim Lincecum, the door is
open for NL Cy Young.

The hard knuckler continues to baffle hitters for the rest of this
season. Eventually hitters will figure him out. His recent dominance
suggests it may not occur this season. If it doesn’t…

RA Dickey your 2012 NL Cy Young award winner…

12 years ago

Is is safe to assume that 95 and 96 are the highest back-to-back game scores ever?

12 years ago
Reply to  Phil

The Play Index, going back to 1918, shows no previous consecutive games of Game Scores of 95 or more

12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

Nice find, John. For a true streak of Game Scores in the mid-90s (no relief appearance and no off-season in between) you just need to go down to a 94 Game Score. Dean Chance in 1964 had a 2-hit 15-K shutout in a 1-0 win over the Red Sox on June 2, then on June 6 pitched 14 innings and gave up only three hits, but the Angels lost the game to the Yankees (Jim Bouton pitched 13 shutout innings in that one). That ’64 season was Dean’s one transcendent year — his 9.1 WAR that season is the best… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  birtelcom

Thanks for checking all that out. I did a very unscientific scan last night of the best seasons by Koufax, Ryan, Johnson, Pedro, and Clemens, plus Gibson’s ’68. I think the only back-to-back 90s I found were by Pedro in 1999. Taking into account degree-of-difficulty, this has to rank near or at the top: Sept. 4 vs. Seattle — the Mariners scored 859 runs that year, and had Griffey, A-Rod, and Edgar batting 3-4-5; Pedro pitched 8 innings, 2 hits, 3 walks, 15 K, no runs, GS of 90. Sept. 10 vs. New York — the Yankees scored 900 runs… Read more »

Richard Chester
Richard Chester
12 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Teddy Higuera had consecutive games of 94 (8-26-87) and 92 (9-1-87).

12 years ago

Dickey’s gems are the first back-to-back one-hitters since Dave Stieb on Sep 24th and 30th, 1988. Stieb had only 12 strikeouts total in the two games (plus 3 BB and 2 HBP) for games scores of 91 and 88.

12 years ago
Reply to  Doug

Others are: – Sam McDowell, Apr 25 & May 1, 1966. 18K, 11 BB. – Whitey Ford, Sep 2 & 7, 1955. 7 K, 10 BB. Neither game a shutout – Jim Tobin, Apr 23 & 27, 1944. 6 K, 3 BB. No Ks in 1st game. No-hitter in 2nd game. – Mort Cooper, May 31 & Jun 4, 1943. 7 K, 3 BB. – Johnny Vander Meer (of course), Jun 11 & 15, 1938. 11 K, 11 BB – Lon Warneke, Apr 17 & 22, 1934. 18 K, 8 BB. 1st game on opening day & 2nd game not… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  Doug

Doug, thanks. I was wondering when the last pitcher tossed back-to-back one-hitters. I did see John reference R.A. as the first Met pitcher in twenty-seven years to be a threat to throw a no-hitter each time out, so I thought maybe Dwight Gooden had done it in the mid-80s.

Has any pitcher ever tossed three consecutive one-hitters? Or a couple one-hitters and a two hitter consecutively? Just wondering what we should be looking for the next time R.A. takes the mound!

12 years ago
Reply to  MikeD

Stieb’s were his last 2 starts of 88 (preceded by a 4 hit shutout). He started 89 with a pathetic 4 hit, 1 run 8 inning no decision, but followed that with another 1 hit shutout.

So 3 of 4 outings, but over 2 seasons.
5 outings covering 44 IP with only 11 hits allowed.

Alexander Cartwright would not tolerate this level of baseball blessing for long, the next outing for Stieb lasted 0.1 IP yielding 6 runs.

12 years ago
Reply to  MikeD

I can tell you that:
– Tobin preceded his pair with a 3 hitter in his first start of the season
– Vander Meer sandwiched his no-hitters with a 3 and a 4 hitter. Preceding the 3 hitter were two straight 5 hitters. He won every time in that string of 6 complete games.

12 years ago
Reply to  MikeD

Here are the longest complete game streaks (3 games) allowing 3 or fewer hits:

1918-1968: http://bbref.com/pi/shareit/aYKAG
1969-2012: http://bbref.com/pi/shareit/TsSbV

Most recent is Roger Clemens for the Blue Jays, Aug 20, 25 & 30, 1998, all shutouts. In his next start on Sep 5, Roger allowed 3 hits over 8 innings.

Richard Chester
Richard Chester
12 years ago
Reply to  Doug

And I have mentioned in a recent post that there have been 6 pitchers who threw a total of 3 games with 0 or 1 hit in a game in a season: Virgil Trucks, Jim Tobin, Bob Feller, Dean Chance, Nolan Ryan and Dave Stieb.

12 years ago

I can’t tell which name is more fun to say, Dickey or Duda. Both make me giggle.

12 years ago

Nice job mentioning Vander Meer, he was the first thing to come to my mind. Clearly, his record is not unbreakable. It is a long shot but its not like Vander Meer was the greatest pitcher in history. Stieb and now Dickey have back-to-back-one-pitch-away-from-tying efforts plus maybe others.

511 wins, unless MLB implements a rule banning relief pitching, is unbreakable.

Also this is now 43 straight IP without allowing a run, might the bulldog be sniffing a contender in his yard?

12 years ago
Reply to  topper009

Sadly, that last streak is going to be safe for a while. Tampa scratched an unearned run off RA last start – error, passed ball, passed ball, ground out. I do think Vander Meer’s record is unbreakable, however: none other than Charlie Hustle pointed out that to better it, you would need to throw THREE consecutive no-hitters. Hard enough lately to throw three straight complete games. Consider that only three pitchers in all MLB history have ever thrown three no-hitters in a career… There’s just so much game-to-game variance, it’s hard to imagine getting through the lineup without a Baltimore… Read more »

Richard Chester
Richard Chester
12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

In 1947 Ewell Blackwell of the Reds came within two outs of matching Vander Meer’s record.

12 years ago

In a different way Dave Stieb in 1988 came within two outs of Vander Meer also. Both of his consecutive one-hitters were broken up with two outs in the 9th inning, one out away from a no-no.

12 years ago

I’ve been following Dickey since 1996 when he was first signed by the Texas Rangers. A variation on a well-told story, I was a subscriber to Baseball America (only print in those years) and remember quite well the photo of Dickey and four other Olympic pitchers posing on the cover. At that point in my career I worked with photographers quite a bit, so I was kind of mystified as to why the person who shot the cover had all five pitchers aligned, with their arms hanging flush, that is all except one. Dickey’s was at a slightly cocked angle… Read more »

12 years ago

I forgot the most important question I meant to ask related to Dickey and his missing ligament.

Has anyone wondered if the reason he has such a unique knuckleball is because of his unique arm? Maybe the missing ligament is why he can throw a harder knuckler and with more control than post knuckleballers. Sorry if this has been written about in the past and I’m late to the party.

12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

I never considered it either until I started thinking more about the unique nature of his knuckler, which then got me to thinking about the unique nature of his arm. My guess is probably not, but it’s something I won’t dismiss entirely since we have heard of pitchers seemingly helped by their hand deformities. Mordecai “Three Finger” Brown as one example, and Bob Wickman another. The difference, though, is their missing fingers, or part of a finer, touched the ball, perhaps impacting its rotation, where Dickey’s missing UCL does not. Perhaps as his pitching successes increase, we’ll hear more from… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

I think I’m sorry I brought it up. : -)

BTW Unrelated, but since I mentioned Mordecai Brown, I think Mordecai is a name that needs to make a comeback.

It’s certainly more interesting than Mike.

12 years ago
Reply to  MikeD

Speaking of pitchers who were ‘assisted’ by their bodily deformities, I remember hearing that Jim Mecir had to learn the screwball because he was born with a club foot, and it might have even improved the effectiveness of the pitch.

Richard Chester
Richard Chester
12 years ago

Speaking of players being assisted by their bodily deformities I remembered reading somewhere that Mordecai Brown was assisted by his finger deformities. I didn’t know if it was true or not so I referred to what I consider to be a reliable source, the SABR BioProject. I got confirmation from them as they stated that his deformities helped him throw “bewildering pitches with lots of movement”. He actually had 4 1/2 fingers. Due to accidents he was missing half of his index finger, had a bent middle finger and a paralyzed pinky.

12 years ago

So Richard, in other words, you encourage young wannabe pitchers to tear out their UCL and mangle their hands in farm machinery, right? 😉

12 years ago

In 2011, the Mets in games not started by R.A. were six games under .500. In 2012 thus far the Mets are yet again six games under .500 in games not started by R.A.. But last season the Mets were two games under in games R.A. started and so finished the season eight games under. This season the Mets so far are 10 games over .500 in games R.A. has started, and as a result, if the season ended now the Mets would be in the wild card play-in game versus the Giants.

12 years ago

Is Dickey a pitcher that could conceivably pitch on less than 4 days rest with consistency? Ala Wilbur Wood in the 70’s?

A top pitcher that could start 40+ games per year without being affected would be almost a surefire Cy Young/MVP no?

Mike L
Mike L
12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

John A, I’m going to disagree with that just a little. I think it’s a mistake to overexpose him, on the chance that part of his success derives from how different he is than others. Dickey’s Mystery.

12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

The thing to remember with Dickey is he throws two very different Knuckleballs. We think of the wakefield-esque slow knuckler but Dickey also throws a much harder pitch. He can get 10+ mph differentiation between what can only be described as a knuckle fastball and a knuckle changeup. I think the velocity difference between his balls is a key to his success. Also, he has a low 80s sinker that still sees some action. I bring this up because Dickey is not like Wakefield. He throws his arm with what it’s got and needs rest like any conventional pitcher. He’s… Read more »

Mark in Sydney
Mark in Sydney
12 years ago

On knucklers, anyone seen


The shorts look intriguing.

12 years ago

Somebody may want to check my math – If you take out the Rainy Night in Georgia game RA Dickey has an ERA of 1.33 for the Season. Since that Braves game I have him at 11 ER in 81.2 Inn for an ERA of 1.21 over his last 11 starts.

Add Note1: Both Teams Dickey 1-hit would be in the Playoffs if the season ended today.

Note2: If you count the Santana Faux-Hitter, the Mets have 3 CG 1 Hitters this month.

12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

Mulligan ERA. I really like this idea, perhaps extended to two dud games over a season’s worth of pitching. On the other hand, perhaps there should be a “fielding gem enhanced ERA” to account for pitchers whose games look much better because of a Ben Revere type catch or three.

Voomo Zanzibar
Voomo Zanzibar
12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin


1.70 Beachy
1.99 Cueto (Cueto’s 2-MERA is 1.57)
2.00 Vogelsong
2.01 Cain
2.14 Lynn

1.65 Weaver
1.89 CJ Wilson
2.05 Sale
2.35 Verlander

5.67 Lincecum

12 years ago
Reply to  Voomo Zanzibar

Ah yes, I already went through Lincecum’s Mulligan ERA here: http://www.highheatstats.com/2012/05/wild-wednesday-notes/#comment-27284

It’s only got worse since…

Michael E Sullivan
Michael E Sullivan
12 years ago

So nobody is thinking what I’m thinking — what the heck happened to R.A. dickey? Looking at his stats, it’s crazy — he looks like a random journeyman pitcher, makes the league at 26, gets a couple decent but unspectacular years as a back-rotation starter/reliever, then appears to wash out. Comes back two years later similarly, then suddenly in 2010 at *35*, he has a really good year, full season starting with a 138 ERA+. Continues with a lesser but still good year last year. And now, at 37, suddenly he’s out of the gate with a first half looking… Read more »

Voomo Zanzibar
Voomo Zanzibar
12 years ago

He was a star in college and a 1st round draft pick.
But how and why a man puts it all together at age 37?
Don’t think any of us can answer that.

12 years ago

He’s two different pitchers. One who had a low 90s sinker that he threw >60% of the time and another who throws Knuckleballs. In recent years, he’s even started throwing two different types of knuckleballs. 2001-2005 Dickey is a “conventional” pitcher. In 2006, he was a knuckleballer. It was a 6HR affair that had him sent down immediately to the minors after one appearance. He worked it out and has been ever improving since. Obviously it doesn’t get much better than his most recent two games. Seriously though, I find this post surprising on here. Your comments are a little… Read more »

Michael E Sullivan
Michael E Sullivan
12 years ago
Reply to  mosc

I guess this is what happens when my easy baseball listening/watching prospects include pretty much every yankee game and most red sox games, but honestly not a lot of mets games, and I’m no longer in contact with any big mets fans except through here.

Until this year, I’d never even heard of R.A. Dickey.

12 years ago
Reply to  mosc

Concerning Dickey’s current arsenal, he was interviewed today on Sirius-XM MLB Radio, and one of the hosts (former Rookie of the Year and Tribe Legend Todd Hollandsworth, I believe) mentioned that he occasionally throws a ’96 MPH four seamer.’ He quickly corrected himself, as Dickey complements his fast-knuckler with an 86 MPH four seamer. If he could still throw 96 in addition to that knuckleball, I think you’d see guys pulling a Norm Cash and going up to bat with a table leg. Either that or they’d just go on strike for the day. Reminds me of making those “create… Read more »

Jim Bouldin
12 years ago

“I think you’d see guys pulling a Norm Cash and going up to bat with a table leg”

Tell more…

12 years ago
Reply to  Jim Bouldin

The full story can be found many places. Here’s one of them: http://blog.detroitathletic.com/2011/11/01/when-norm-cash-took-a-table-leg-to-the-plate-for-the-detroit-tigers/ Basically, Nolan Ryan had a no-hitter going, and he was close to tying some sort of K record. I think it was Feller’s AL record for most K’s in a game. Anyway, Cash was 0 for 3 on the day with 2 K’s and a ground-out. When he went to bat with 2 outs in the 9th, instead of a bat, he first came to bat with a table leg. It was ruled illegal by the umpire, of course. Cash was always known as a notorious practical… Read more »

Jim Bouldin
12 years ago
Reply to  Jim Bouldin

HP Ump: That looks like a table leg you’ve got there Cash
Cash: It is
Ump: You can’t hit with that
Cash: True, but I can’t hit hit him using a bat either, so what’s the difference?
Ump: That’s not what I meant
Cash: What did you mean?
Ump: I meant you can’t bat with a table leg, it’s against the rules
Cash: Show me in the rulebook where it says that
Ump: Cash, look…

12 years ago

R.A. is the 86th major league pitcher to have won at least 11 games in his age 37 season. The average (and the median) number of career wins those guys had coming into their age 37 season was 162 wins. R.A. had only 41 career wins coming into this season. Only three of these guys with 11 or more wins at age 37 had fewer career wins through age 36 than Dickey, and none of those three guys was really pitching in a true major league in his age 37 season. George McConnell had just 12 wins in the majors… Read more »

12 years ago

R.A. Dickey was interviewed recently by Terry Gross for Fresh Air on NPR. He is an interesting guy.

12 years ago


Have faith in Dickey.

Believe that he will pitch from age 37-46, make 300 starts, go 200-60, win 2 Cy Youngs, and so on.


12 years ago
Reply to  Fireworks

Your first sentence would be very confusing to a German.

12 years ago
Reply to  RJ

Yes, it would because “no” is not a word and has no meaning in German. You’d basically be speaking gibberish. 🙂

12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

So essentially a $150,000 fine, which could be significant to a 1st-year player especially if he doesn’t make a major league roster again. But I agree that letting him serve his suspension during a DL stint is a sign of a weak policy.

12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

Personally I thought Manny shouldn’t have served a suspension at all. Or still do the 100 games.

He opted to retire instead of serve a 100-game suspension. There’s no indication that the Rays didn’t want him to come back to them later. He lost out on 150 games, and got no salary.

To me, either the temporary retirement suffices as an alternative to the suspension or it doesn’t. Half-credit is weird.

As for Galvis, I don’t know what the story is with that yet. Maybe new things will develop.

12 years ago
Reply to  Fireworks


BTW, David Murphy is a great resource to follow for Phillies info. He had a great column yesterday about a new (and improved?) Stat to calculated player value.

12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

John – MLB didn’t decide this. The collective bargaining agreement allows for drug suspensions to be served while on the DL. You may disagree with that, but MLB has to follow the rules that have been agreed upon.

BTW, the same thing happened with Edison Volquez back in 2010. Here’s an interesting take from Greg Doyel on Volquez serving his punishment while on the DL:


12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

John – I would suggest reading the Greg Doyel article before coming to a definitive decision. I’m not saying I agree with his reasoning…but he did change his mind after thinking it through some more. As for other suspensions, I believe that all drug suspensions are handled the same way. So someone who was caught abusing cocaine could also serve their suspension while on the DL. For other types of suspensions, I’m not sure what the policy is but I suspect that it would be rare for them to occur while on the DL (e.g., a pitcher suspended for hitting… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

John – I don’t necessarily disagree with your arguments. And obviously we can’t get Greg Doyel to defend himself. Still, I wonder what MLB’s rationale is for agreeing to include this in the drug policy testing. Perhaps there’s a rationale that we’re not aware of?

12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

Am I right that in most cases a rule that required the suspension to begin only after a stay on the disabled list ended would have limited effect in the case of most 15-day DL designations? As I see it, teams would have every incentive to move a guy from the DL to the suspended list as soon as his minimum required stay on the DL is over, whether he has healed from his injury or not, so as to start the suspension clock running. Probability suggests you will probably add just an extra 7 or 8 days on average… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

You could require that the player be cleared to play by a doctor who is independent of the team.

no statistician but
no statistician but
12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin


I tend to agree with everything you point out here, but I caution you not to expect the situation to change, except possibly for the worse.

Or, as I’ve remarked here before: Just one more example of how the game is better now than it was in previous eras.

Voomo Zanzibar
Voomo Zanzibar
12 years ago

Gosh. All this talk about steroids.
Here’s a clip that demonstrates, once and for all, how bad the problem could be.

Note: Some of this footage may may a sensitive person queasy:


12 years ago

Can anyone explain to me why Matt Cain hasn’t been credited with 3 shutouts this year? He has a perfect game, a one hit and two hit shutout. Confused…

12 years ago
Reply to  John Autin

Yet one can get credit for a CG while pitching only 8 innings if he is the starter for an away team in a loss.

The irony and cruelty of pitching stats.

12 years ago
Reply to  deal

Thanks guys…I totally forgot that game went extra’s, oh the humanity.

12 years ago
Reply to  deal

You can also get credit for a CG with fewer innings if it rains. Phil Huge’s only complete game was rain shortened.

Addiction To Methadone
12 years ago

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