A new age of High Heat Stats

A bit of news…

As other priorities in my life have begun dominating, I’ve had less time to post here. I figured that would be the ideal time to recruit some new writers.

I’m very happy to report that we have a few new folks coming on board over the next several weeks. I’ll let their identities remain a surprise, but those of you who read regularly will not be disappointed.

Anyway, here are a couple of photos from yesterday’s Braves/Nationals game:

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Dale Murphy‘s looking great.

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Jayson Werth is not. Werewolf needs to cut his hair and beard.

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13 years ago

Hope you’ll still post when you can!

13 years ago
Reply to  Andy

Well, we’ll be here when you get back! 😀

Lawrence Azrin
Lawrence Azrin
13 years ago


Good luck with your current endeavors, and I hope that you can come back to participate in HHH soon.

Dr. Doom
Dr. Doom
13 years ago

Sorry your visits will be rare, Andy, but you seem to know a lot of top-notch people, so I don’t doubt that we’ll still have some great discussions around here. I look forward to reading you when you do have time to come around.

13 years ago

Hope you’re well, Andy… and that you come back before your beard grows out to Werthian proportions.

13 years ago

Best of luck, Andy. Egad…….and I didn’t think the continuing saga of Jayson Werth’s bad facial hair choices could get any worse. Even people who know nothing about baseball see the guy batting and comment on how scuzzy he looks. Maybe he should go back to his rookie season and sport that look:

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13 years ago

Andy, I hope everything’s fine. You have friends here.

13 years ago

“Other priorities?”

Scratches head.

Best of luck!